Trumbull County Cemeteries

[Bazetta] [Bloomfield] [Braceville] [Bristol] [Brookfield] [Champion] [Farmington] [Fowler] [Greene] [Gustavus] [ Hartville] [ Howland] [Hubbard] [Johnston] [Kinsman] [Liberty] [Lordstown] [Mecca] [Mesopotamia] [Newton] [Southington] [Vernon] [Vienna] [Warren] [Weathersfield]

Many of the cemeteries in Trumbull County have listings in the book Trumbull County, Ohio, cemetery inscriptions, 1800-1930 / compiled by members of the Trumbull County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society., [1983].

If you have an address or information on a cemetery, please Email: and we will add it to this list.

Bazetta Township
All Souls Cemetery
3823 Hoagland Blackstub Rd
Cortland, OH 44410-9227
(330) 637-2761
on W. side of Hoagland Blackstub Rd, Cortland
Location Map
Brock - Oatley
W. Main St,
Coourtland OH
West Bazetta Cemetery - Center
Johnson Plank Road
(SW. Off Hoagland Blackstub) Behind Bazetta School
Latitude(DEC) 41.2931123 Longitude(DEC) -80.7817485
Casterline Cemetery
404 S. High Street, Cortland
Location Map
Disciples Cemetery
Cortland Christian Church
153 Grove St. Cortland
(330) 637-4611
Hillside Cemetery
McCleary-Jacoby Road
Bloomfield Township
Brownwood Cemetery
Cemetery Road (Off Rt. 87)
Bloomfield, Ohio

Cemetery Records Book, 1824-2012 IMAGES
Cemetery Records Book, 1824-2012 INDEX
Latimer Cemetery
Flagg East Road & Rt. 45
Braceville Township
Bristol Township
Deacon Creek Cemetery
Rt. 88 and Thompson Clark Road,
Deacon Creek Corners
Evergreen Cemetery
Rt. 88, Bristolville
Norton Cemetery
Fenton Road
(Off Hyde Oakfield Rd)

Old Bristol Cemetery
Rt. 45, Bristolville

Sager Memorial Cemetery
Nurse East Road, North Bristol

Brookfield Township

Artherholt Cemetery
Custer Orangeville Road

Brookfield Cemetery Dept.
State Route 7 Se, Brookfield
(330) 448-1861 487

Payne's Corners Cemetery
Brookfield, Ohio

Champion Township

Champion Center Cemetery
Cementary Drive (Off Rt. 305)
Champion, Ohio

Administration office: 149 Center Street
index of cemetery for the years 1842 to present

McMurray Cemetery
Rt. 305, Champion

Saint Joseph Cemetery
N. Leavitt Road, Champion

Farmington Township

Hillside Cemetery
Rt. 88 Just East of Town
West Farmington

Fowler Township

Dugan Cemetery
Sodom Hutchings Rd, Fowler

Sheldon Cemetery
Everett Cortland Hull Rd.
Sheldon Corners

Greene Township

Greene Cemetery
Middle Corners Cemetery Road (Off Rt. 46)

East Greene Cemetery
Dennison Ashtabula Rd

Greenlawn Cemetery
Dennison Ashtabula Rd

Gustavus Township

East Gustavus Cemetery
Gardner Barclay Rd.

Logan Cemetery
Also known as: Barclay Cemetery, Dillworth Cemetery
Barclay North Road
GLocation Map

North View Cemetery
Rt 193 N. of Gustavus Center

Old Gustavus Cemetery
Rt 193 N. of Gustavus Center

Hartford Township

West Street Cemetery
Rt. 305 West of Hartford

Reichert Cemetery?
Howland Township

Cadwallader Cemetery
Cortland, Ohio

Ewalt Cemetery
(North Off Reeves Road)

Hubbard Township

Hubbard Union Cemetery
Also known as: Oakdale Cemetery, Union Cemetery
210 Oakdale Ave, Hubbard
(330) 534-1633

The Maple Grove Cemetery
West off of Rt 7, just South of Old North Cemetery and drive back a little West

Old North Cemetery
West side of Rt. 7,
just North of town.

Porterfield Cemetery
Lewis Seifert Rd. NW of Hubbard Ohio. Going West out of Hubbard Ohio on route 304 to Lewis Seifert road turn North go over Route 80 and about 1/2 mile on left.

Saint Patricks Cemetery
Rt 616, Hubbard

Union Cemetery
Creed Ave, Hubbard

Johnston Township

Evergreen Cemetery

Rt. 88, Johnston

Southside Cemetery

Rt. 88, Johnston

Kinsman Township
Liberty Township

Belmont Park Cemetery
3346 Belmont Ave. near Hazelwood Dr.
Girard, Ohio

Churchill Cemetery

4316 Belmont Ave, Liberty

Girard Liberty Union Cemetery
1143 N. State St. Rt. 422, Girard

Lowery Cemetery

Seceders Corners Cemetery

S7. 1/2 mile E of SR 193 on SR 304, on the S. side of road.
Lordstown Township

Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery
Palmyra Road

Mecca Township

Cowdery Cemetery

East Mecca Cemetery
Rt. 46, Mecca

Smith Cemetery
Hoagland Blackstub Road,
West Mecca

West Mecca Cemetery
Hoagland Blackstub Road,
West Mecca

South Mecca Cemetery
Rt. 46, Mecca

Mesopotamia Township

Fairview Cemetery
State Route 534
Mesopotamia, Ohio 44439

Location Map
Newton Township

Duck Creek Cemetery
West River Road, Newton Falls

Saint Michaels Cemetery
Mc Clure East Road
Newton Falls

Wilderson Cemetery
Selkirk Bush Rd. SE
Newton Falls

Southington Township

Delightful Cemetery
Rt 422, Delightful

Reform Cemetery
Rt 305, Southington

Vernon Township

Burghill Cemetery
Rt. 7, South of Burghill

Center-Pioneer-Brockway Cemetery

Giddings Cemetery Rt. 88, Biggins Corners

West View Cemetery
Rt. 7 Between Burghill and Vernon Center

Vienna Township

Crown Hill Selby-Cole
Crown Hill Cemetery
3966 Warren Sharon Rd, Vienna
(330) 856-4695

Doud Cemetery
King Graves Rd.

Warren Township

Old Mahoning (Pioneer) Cemetery
behind the Akron Children's Hospital, at 661 Mahoning Ave, Warren
Transcriptions at Trumbull County Ohio Genealogical Society

House of Israel Cemetery
Hewitt Gifford Road, Warren

Meadow Brook Memorial Park
1211 State Rd Nw, Warren
(330) 847-0701

Oakwood Cemetery
860 Niles Rd Se, Warren
(330) 393-7281

Pineview Memorial Park
4049 Youngstown Rd SE, Warren
(330) 369-3186

Google Map

Pine Knoll Cemetery
Hewitt Gifford Road, Warren

Saint Marys Cemetery
Niles Road, Warren

Union Cemetery
Niles Road, Warren

Weathersfield Township

Niles Union Cemetery
Also known as: Niles City Cemetery
1213 Niles Cortland Rd,
Niles, OH
(330) 652-3295

Google Map

Kerrs Cemetery
Also known as: Kerr Cemetery, Riverside Cemetery
1240 Salt Springs Rd,
Mineral Ridge, OH?
(330) 652-1624?

Location Map

Page & Links updated January 2025